Jane Austen's Letters
IV. General Topics Index

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This index was entered and augmented from Chapman's edition of the Letters by Eugene McDonnell. References are in the form "x n" where "x" is the number of a letter in bold type and "n" is a page number in ordinary type, in the Dierdre LeFaye edition of Jane Austen's letters. If the letter is included in the Brabourne edition, then the bold letter number is a link to the beginning of the letter (not to the exact place in the letter where the quote occurs) in the on-line version of the Brabourne edition of the letters. For example, "15" 29 refers to LeFaye letter 15, page 29, and contains a link to the beginning of the corresponding letter XIV in the Brabourne edition.



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*Return to Jane Austen's Letters (Brabourne Edition)
*Go to notes to letters (incl. genealogy of Jane Austen's family)
*Go to an index of allusions to books and authors in Jane Austen's writings

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